Tuesday, August 30, 2011


A few months ago i started using Twitter. It was really great and it gave me a sense of privacy that i needed (just enough privacy that i needed). I found Twitter really cool because i have always wanted to put statuses in Facebook in order to just vent or say something out of the blue, but given the amount of people in Facebook, i refuse to do so (from key people to bosses, they're all there). Additionally, sometimes putting facebook statuses can somewhat give different meaning to people, and that is why the reason i enjoyed using Twitter! It's only to write, vent, or say a quick one liner for all your followers to read. Pretty cool stuff huh?!

However, more and more people are now in Twitter and somehow, it lost the quasi privacy that i have always enjoyed. Though i don't mind more people to join in the fun, it just lost the special touch that it had back when i initially started using it. Before i could really say anything at all... Now, not so much. But it's all good. My initial idea for writing this entry was just to simply vent out that Twitter isn't that private anymore. And here it is. So now, i am back to blogging. The ever reliable blog. Blogging is still the godfather of all social networking sites and activities in the internet. Again and again, i put all my social networking accounts for everyone to see, because that is the real heart of it. I understand all the security measures that people take for their account (i do too for Facebook!) but for sites like twitter and my blog, i don't. Maybe it's just me. For my blog, i don't really care who reads my blog, i don't even know if there's someone else who knows i have or that i do blog, but that's all part of the fun. The thoughts i put in the internet are for the public because if it's not, then i won't put it. My blog is my very reliable friend and i am happy that i enjoy doing this. i am not making sense at all anymore...

to end this, tomorrow is my first year in P&G. My first year in my new role. A new beginning for me. I may not have the same energy as before, but i will get it back. CONFIDENCE. CONFIDENCE. i need again. Let's do this. Time to ROCK THAILAND!!! As what Mila Kunis has said in her movie, Friends with Benefits when asked if carrying the luggage is the thing that she'll doo.... she answered... NO. I'll CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!

Time to CHANGE LIVES!! I'm EXCITED. I'm READY. Time for the ROBIN SHOW :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

First Class.

In a few days, i will be celebrating my 11th month here in P&G. The experience has definitely changed me for the good, i must say. Through the tough times, the moments of doubt, and the incredible feeling of triumph, i must say that this first year has been quite a rollercoaster ride for me. And as most of my friends would know, i seriously had no idea what i was getting into when i decided to take the job in Purchasing. I always thought i'd be buying stuff for the company, somewhat the exact opposite of what i really wanted, sales.

Every now and then, i would ponder over this decision of mine and whether if I should try to move to sales or marketing (not necessarily in P&G). However, the tables have definitely turned right after or during or even before, during the preparation for our team building back in June. During the preparation, i was given the opportunity to really help out in coming up with the greatest teambuilding/offsite ever. And quite frankly, i think we pulled it off. More than the success of the teambuilding, i would say that personally, that was a turning point in my career here in Purch. During and after the event, i started to see opportunities that i thought i would never get. I worked extremely hard to balance my core work and my projects leading up to the team building and i do seriously think that working hard pays off.

During the team building, i got to know the big bosses of purch. I was exposed to the leaders that help build the business and I got a taste of how it was to work with these people. After the teambulding, i started getting approached by several people about my career in Purch and confidently I voiced out my concerns and my goals in this organization. It gave me hope for myself here in Purchasing. Now, SALES or MARKETING isn't even part of the equation. I can definitely see myself growing here in Purch.

Risky = Yes.
Regrets = ZERO.

Now, I am faced with an opportunity that I can never refuse this early on in my career. I am proud to say that even though I am only 11 months here in the company, the youngest in purch (both physically and mentally i might add), I am already being considered for a new assignment. And as I am faced with this anxiety infested moment in my life, i couldn't be more thankful for the leaders and the people that I am surrounded with right now. I still don't know whether I will get it or not, I REALLY WANT IT. But i can't help but think that this may be a test for me. To test my willingness, passion, and resiliency. I hope i get it. The days and weeks leading to one of the biggest decisions in my life is killing me (similar to the time when i was waiting for the result of my P&G application). I am wishing and praying hard I get this. I just might change the face of Purch in --.

Opportunities come and go. There is no way I backing out of this decision. DESIRE. I guess this moment of uncertainty right now is what makes work exciting. I cannot wait. I may jump for joy, or cry in devastation. But whatever happens, I know this is just the start of a FIRST CLASS Journey with P&G.